
Please select one of the options in the drop down menu to make your donation.

Donation Options:

TGC Operating Fund: This fund is used to support the general operating expenses of TGC, including programs, workshops and community grants.

NWNPG Operating Fund: This fund is used to maintain and improve the Northwest Native Plant Garden.

NWNPG Endowment Fund: The donations to this permanently restricted fund are moderately invested and only the earnings are used for the long-term support of the Northwest Native Plant Garden.

Special Recognition Donation (honorarium or memorial): Go to the Related Products below and choose one of the three funds from the drop down and the amount you want to donate. If you wish a recognition card be sent please send the information of the name of the honoree and the name and address to whom the recognition should be sent to

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


TGC Operating Fund, NW Native Plant Garden General Fund, NW Native Plant Garden Endowment Fund, Honorarium/In Memory Of


50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 750, 1000